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The crushing answer of Imam Khomeini
نوشته شده توسطمدرسه امام جعفر صادق (ع) شاهرود 15ام فروردین, 1396
A group of people used to say that, every government which is established in the time of the occultation is invalid and is anti-Islamic! They applied this theory on “every government”, but the Islamic narrations explained that, if any government claims in the pretext of “Mahdism” is wrong and invalid.
“They don’t understand and they don’t know what they are talking about. It is like someone injected them to speak these kind of words, these unaware people are manipulated. Having no government means you let all the people in a society, fight with each other, assassinate and kill one another, and it is in the contrary to “God’s Law!”.
“If there is no government and no system in a country for one year, it produces that much corruption without an end! What should the Imam do if he reappears? The sentence that every government is invalid in the time of occultation means anarchy! It means that the whole world should be disorganized so Imam Mahdi (PBUH) reappears to organize it. We should organize everything so Imam Mahdi (PBUH) could reappear.”
▪️ We do not have any duties now to perform? No duty applies on a human? Or his duty is to invite people to a chaos? Then let us pray for America and her followers, if someone says that the Americans play tricks on us and we should not interfere in their matters so they can do whatever they like to us; this person should be very insensible.
Yes, we cannot fill the whole world with justice, so when we cannot, then he should come, but it’s our duty to pave the way for his Reappearanc.
The Sahifeh-of Imam, volume, 21, page, 13

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