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month of sadness of all the world

نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 20ام مرداد, 1396



It must be said, it is the month of sadness of all the world; every year since the beginning of Muharram until Ashura, the ripped dress of Imam Hussein is hang down from the Throne of God and grief and sorrow fills all the universe..

Muharram is also the beginning of mourning ceremonies of Imam Hussein (AS).
These ceremonies make people familiar with their faith.
In Muharram people get their religious commands from Takaya, Hussainias, and mosques and put these command into their mind and heart. Attending in mourning ceremonies and cry for Seyedolshohada (AS) are our duties in the absence of Imam Mahdi (AS).

It was Wednesday that Imam Hussein (AS) sink Ejlal at Mqatel Palace. It is well known that in the in this place of Imam Hussain (AS) met Obaidullah ibn Hurr Jafy and invited him to help. But he did not accept and later regretted. And then Imam Hussein (AS) arrived at Nineveh.

Source: Shiite Calendar Book

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