موضوعات: "Ashura" یا "نماز"
La visita de Yabir Ibn Abdil-lah Ansari
نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 12ام شهریور, 1396El compañero del Profeta Muhammad (PBD), Yabir Ibn Abdil-lah Ansari tiene el honor de ser la primera persona quien logró visitar la tumba del Imam Husain (P).
Cuarenta días después del martirio del Imam (P), él llegó a Karbalá junto a su acompañante ‘Atiiah ‘Awfi y visitó la tumba sagrada del Imam (P). (Qomi, tomo 8, pág. 383 )
left his Haj
نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 12ام شهریور, 1396Whoever says Hussain (AS) left his Haj ceremonies half accomplished is misinformed:
The minute Hussain (AS) left Mecca, his intention was to perform these ceremonies with outmost affection and love, as only lovers can for their loved ones and servants for their masters
And the witness to all this is the events of day of Ashura
He presented his sacrifice, his family members,
He performed the traditional walk back and forth, between the tents of his family members and the battle ground,
He stoned the Sheitan, army of Yazid,
He performed tradition cutting of ones hair, He was beheaded,
He put on the tradition Haj clothing
He did the circumambulation rites, around his fallen family members.
He …………..
One must be a lover of Allah to understand the rites of Haj Hussain (AS) performed with outmost affection for Allah on that day