« ArbaeenArbaeen »


نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 9ام شهریور, 1396


وَ قَد قتلُو الحُسینَ بحکم جَور وَ خالف خَلفَهُم حکم الکِتاب


‘’They martyred Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) tyrannically; therefore, they acted against Quran'’. ‘

The carriers of the head regretted to eat food and did not sleep due to their fear. At midnight, the monk that lived there heard a voice. The monk listened to it carefully and heard the admiration of God. The monk stood up and took his head out of the window. He understood that a light from the lance beside the wall was raised toward the sky and the angels were descending from the sky in groups and were saying


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