Muharram in Iran

نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 26ام شهریور, 1396


Muharram in Iran

نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 26ام شهریور, 1396


History of Mubahila

نوشته شده توسط... 24ام شهریور, 1396



Proposal of Mubahila

After exchange of views on several issues, the delegation did not seem to be willing to accept the observations about the incorrect beliefs of Christianity and the logical explanations proving the incorrectness of their beliefs. At that time Allah send down the famous Ayat-e-Mubahila of the Quran:

Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recited this Ayat and invited them for Mubahila - praying to God to destroy and banish the liars.

Mubahila became necessary since the Christian delegation was adamant to accept the truth. After some hesitations the delegations asked to be given one day to reconsider their options and then accepted to have the Mubahila after two days. In their consultations among themselves, the grand Bishop Abu Harisa told his companions that if tomorrow, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brings his companions and his tribesmen and military might with him for Mubahila then they should accept the challenge without fear but if he brings only the members of his family, then never accept the challenge.

Whom did the Prophet (pbuh ) take with him?

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) selected a place close to Medina for the Mubahila which was then cleaned and prepared by Salman Farsi and the next day the Christian delegation reached the designated place. A number of muhajirren and ansaar also gathered at the site. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) took with him Imam Hassan (a.s), Imam Hussein (a.s), Bibi Fatimah (s.a) and Imam Ali (a.s) and headed towards the site in a manner that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was leading the group holding Imam Hassan (a.s) and Imam Hussein (a.s) and Bibi Fatima (s.a.) was behind him and Imam Ali (a.s) was behind Bibi Fatima (s.a).

ادامه »

La visita de Yabir Ibn Abdil-lah Ansari

نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 12ام شهریور, 1396

El compañero del Profeta Muhammad (PBD), Yabir Ibn Abdil-lah Ansari tiene el honor de ser la primera persona quien logró visitar la tumba del Imam Husain (P).



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Cuarenta días después del martirio del Imam (P), él llegó a Karbalá junto a su acompañante ‘Atiiah ‘Awfi y visitó la tumba sagrada del Imam (P). (Qomi, tomo 8, pág. 383 )




La marcha de Arba’ín

نوشته شده توسطیااباعبدالله الحسین (ع) 12ام شهریور, 1396

Debido a las recomendaciones sobre la Ziarat de Arba’ín y las recompensas que tiene esta acción, todos los años los shiítas marchan a pie hacia la ciudad de Karbalá, en Iraq. Esta procesión se considera la mayor procesión de todo el mundo. Por ejemplo, en el día de Arba’ín del año 2013, casi veinte millones de peregrinos llegaron a Karbalá y visitaron el santuario del Imam Husain (P).


Qazi Tabataba’í escribe al respecto que la peregrinación a Karbalá en el día de Arba’ín ha sido una tradición antigua entre los shiítas desde la época de los Imames infalibles (P). Incluso durante las dinastías de los califas omeyas y abasidas, los shiítas no dejaron esta tradición debido a su gran importancia y recomendación